Urgent! A professional torture and interrogation team dispatched from Tehran to Rasht prison to coerce Sharifeh Mohammadi into confessing against against herself! – Campaign to defend Sharifeh Mohammadi

Warning: Sharifeh’s Life and Safety Are in Serious Danger!

In recent days, a team comprising three interrogators and senior officials from the Ministry of Intelligence has been dispatched from Tehran to Rasht. They have gone to Lakan Prison and subjected Sharifeh Mohammadi to hours of psychological torture, interrogation, threats, and humiliation to force her into making a false confession against herself, her activities, and independent labor unions.

Due to the global wave of support for Sharifeh Mohammadi, senior officials of the Islamic Republic have panicked. They have targeted Sharifeh in Lakan Prison to pressure and torture her into so-called “cooperation,” with security forces, forcing her under duress to write statements admitting to baseless accusations. Their goal seems to be to broadcast these forced confessions through their media and send copies to international bodies to claim that the accusations of rebellion and armed activity against Sharifeh are true, thereby justifying the death sentence.

According to reliable information received, this interrogation and torture team has claimed that the judge who issued the sentence insists on Sharifeh’s execution and that they will carry out the execution unless she complies with the demands of the Ministry of Intelligence and government officials. This false information was conveyed to Sharifeh despite the fact that the issuing judge no longer has a role in the case, which is currently under appeal at the Supreme Court.

It appears that senior officials, particularly security officials in the Islamic Republic, are now desperate and determined to break Sharifeh through torture, intimidation, and harassment to show the world that their unjust death sentence is, in their words, “just.”

Despite the abuse, pressure, threats, and torture inflicted by this torture team, Sharifeh has refused to comply with their demands. She has reiterated the baseless nature of the charges against her and the legality and legitimacy of her social and civil activities, once again strongly denying any involvement with any political or armed group.

We are confident that senior government officials will continue such actions and warn that Sharifeh’s life is currently in danger in Lakan Prison in Rasht. We call on all people of conscience, all organizations, and media worldwide to take immediate action for Sharifeh’s release to save her life, as the Islamic Republic intends to either break her or eliminate her through psychological and physical pressure before the Supreme Court’s decision.

The protests and strikes by prisoners in Iran, the protests by individuals and organizations in Iran and around the world, and the extensive media coverage of Sharifeh’s case have successfully forced the Islamic Republic to react in a cowardly and despicable manner against Sharifeh’s life. Therefore, we urge everyone to intensify their pressure and protests to ensure not only that Sharifeh’s death sentence is overturned but also that she is released unconditionally and immediately.

Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi

(Comprising members of her family) 
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Additional Explanation:

It should be noted that the news of the torture and interrogation team’s dispatch, threats, and pressure on Sharifeh has been confirmed by five credible sources, all of whom are family members of prisoners in Lakan Prison in Rasht. They have received this information during visits and communications with their loved ones and have reported the same account, warning about Sharifeh’s safety.

Contact the Telegram Admin: @freesharifeh

Urgent! A Professional Torture and Interrogation Team Dispatched from Tehran to Rasht Prison to Coerce Sharifeh Mohammadi into Confessing Against Herself!
Warning: Sharifeh’s Life and Safety Are in Serious Danger!

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