The systematic killing of political prisoners by other methods in the Islamic government of Iran – Abbas Mansouran

Imprisonment of political prisoners forcefully in sanatoriums in the Islamic regime, hundreds of nationwide death crypts in Iran remain like Nazi Gestapo camps. These deadly catacombs are not only the continuation of the laboratories of Dr. Joseph Mengele, a Hitler/ Nazi officer,  now in Iran, but they also carry out the research and theories derived from the initial hypotheses that were used 85 years ago in camps such as Auschwitz, for testing and death, on women, children, and men.

Those hypotheses and experiments have been carried out on political prisoners in Iran for a long time as proven theories of J. Mengele’s hypothesis, now in the hands of Iran’s Islamic rulers.

In addition to torture until death to destroy physical resistance, the destruction of psychological cores and personality is done in the following combined ways:

 1-Physical tortures, rapes, and verbal and sexual assaults according to Sharia, Quran, and bases of Islam,

2 -Prescribing special drugs to cause autoimmune diseases,

3 – Suicide, with a combination of torture, psychoactive drugs, psychological shocks, destruction of personality and human dignity,

4-creating a tendency to commit suicide, captivity in Islamic mental institutions, and electric shocks, including the methods of Nazi officers, Dr. Mengeleha and Dr. Cameron” shock therapy” There are the Camerons and the “CIA” and the Putin of Russia.

Reliable reports and testimonies of victims, lawyers, doctors, as well as the examination of the symptoms and complications of the disease, indicate that the ingestion or injection of various psychotropic drug compounds and the creation of abnormalities in the body’s defense mechanism to some political prisoners cause movement disorders or immune disorders. They were then subjected to electric shocks under the pretext of treatment.

 There are many reports that those who refused to take the pill were “put in a room, tied hand and foot, and injected with a substance that rendered them unconscious.”

Behnam Mahjoubi,

He belonged to the Dervish religion, was murdered in Tehran’s Luqman Hospital, and was previously sentenced to torture in the Razi “Psychiatric Hospital” death camp (Amin Abad) by the order of a judge and not a doctor.

He had reported that he had “seen the decline of humanity” there more than anywhere else. B. Mahjoubi reported in an audio file from prison in 2021/1399 that at least twice he was sent from Evin  prison to Razi Psychiatric Hospital, where he was prescribed an unknown drug and tied to the bed in the shape of a cross. Finally, he was transferred from Evin prison to the hospital due to “drug poisoning” and died in March 2021.

Sasan Niknafs

He was another insurgent who was imprisoned in January 2020 on charges such as “propaganda against the regime” and “insulting the founder of the Islamic Republic and its leadership”.

He died in prison in June 2021. Even his family was not informed. It was from inside the prison that they announced this news on loudspeakers and expressed their condolences to the prisoners.” His lawyer says:

“I was informed from inside the prison that about two days ago, due to a previous illness, he was transferred to the prison hospital with bleeding from the nose and mouth, from where he was transferred to Luqman Hospital,  in Tehran but his mother’s follow-up from the hospital did not yield results. .”

Leila Mirghafari

She was arrested for removing her headscarf and going to the uprising platform in November 2016/December 2017, and after being tortured, she was sent to Rouzbeh Mental Hospital. During a short phone call on 26 October 2017, she was sent to  the mental hospital a place of torture.

It was announced that she was suffering from “nervous and mental illness” and was denied access to medical and therapeutic services.

 Shahram Kazemian,

He was a Kurdish political prisoner who committed suicide in Urmia prison due to refusing to take psychoactive drugs. He was rescued from death by his fellow prisoners. After learning about his suicide attempt, the torturers of Urmia prison (9th Peleh) stripped him naked in the detention center yard and beat him severely with a baton on his head. He was unconscious and then transferred to a “psychiatric hospital”.

Saman Saidi (Yasin)

The  Popular rapper Saman Saidi (Yasin) was transferred to Razi Psychiatric Hospital on July 22, 2023, by the order of Judge Salvati’s executioner, and was severely tortured on Saturday, July 31, 22, then with an “electric shocker” and tied to the bed.

 They injected him with a psychoactive drug. After this injection, he spent more than 24 hours in anesthesia, and after regaining consciousness, he had visual and movement problems.

 Yasman Rezaei Babadi

He is a psychology student arrested twice during nationwide protests and once at the beginning of August 2023 in Karaj. For the second time, on the order of the detention center investigator, he was sentenced to three months in the “Imam Hossein” psychiatric hospital.

, He was given many pills in that hospital and then subjected to hellish interrogations. The questions were clichéd and usual: Who did you get orders from? Why did you chant?! Why did you burn your chalet?!

 Roya Zakari

She is called “Tabriz Girl” who was arrested on October 15, 2023 after the release of a video of her chanting bravely against “Ali Khamenei”, she is hospitalized in the women’s ward of Razi Hospital in Tabriz and is prohibited from visiting.

Sasan Chaman Ara,

He is one of the detainees of the 2022 protests, and an artist and former political prisoner was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (psoriasis).

 Sasan, who was arrested in the movement of women, life, freedom, was severely tortured and died by artificial execution and electrocution. During the interrogation, the torturers used to press the eye where the eye pressure control device was located so that he would submit to a forced confession against himself.

 Now, according to his lawyer (Kian-Arthi), he is struggling to live with an autoimmune disease.

Kian Erthi as a lawyer had reported that another client of his named “Mustafa Al-Ahmad”, a cinema director, had an autoimmune disease.

Motahereh Gooneie

She, as a former student activist’s illness, has relapsed after five years. She has suffered from the autoimmune disease MS (multiple sclerosis – damage to the membrane of nerve fibers).

Maryam Arvin

People’s lawyer, Miss Maryam Arvin, a 29-year-old lawyer and member of the Kerman Province banned lawyers’ association, represented the arrested regime protesters free of charge. During the nationwide uprising of 2022, she was arrested on November 9 2022, while she was defending several detainees in Sirjan court, Kerman, and one month after her release from prison, she committed suicide on February 8, 2022.

Mis Zahra Alizadeh, known as “Mabina,” along with police intelligence agent Hamid Zeidabadi, handcuffed Maryam Arvin in the corridor of the prosecutor’s office and dragged her to the ground.

The public and revolutionary prosecutor of Sirjan city declared the reason for Maryam Arvin’s murder to be suicide and said: “The deceased also had a history of an unsuccessful suicide incident due to drug use at the beginning of March 2021, and her hospitalization and treatment records are available.”

Maryam’s mother reported: “In the prison, they obligatory gave drugs  under the pretext of sedation and painkillers, serum, and the cause of death was drug poisoning, and the prison doctor had confirmed the injuries inflicted on her in a letter.”

Tarane Alidousti

 Tarane Alidousti, the popular artist of cinema and the riser of the revolutionary movement of women, life, freedom, nearly six months after her release from prison, announced that “from August 2023, she suffered from “DRESS  syndrome” and “doctors are the cause of it.” have been diagnosed as a drug interaction.

Atena Daami

 Miss Atena Daemi, a social activist and student, is among those who spent nearly seven years in the prisons of the Islamic regime and suffered from MS. Finally, in 2024 she was forced to emigrate… Suicide after release or in prison is among other government murders and everyday practices that follow torture and the administration of psychotropic drugs, and the creation of autoimmune diseases, according to Sharia and the current Islamic law.

According to reliable reports, what happened to the detainees in Isfahan in the recent period indicates that the uprising women were interrogated by a man who always wore a mask on his face and wanted to be called “doctor.”

 The captives who this killer interrogated experienced the anesthetizing blows to the head and neck of this investigator. Hitting the back is another habit of the “doctor” and he attempted to bring the detainees to their knees from the interrogation with water and electricity. Interrogation of women has generally been associated with sexual and gender humiliation and the use of verbal abuse.

 The sexual orientation of the interrogators, and touching the bodies of captive women, have been the most severe suffering and Islamic tortures. School scholars have tried to shock women by touching their breasts. The mental and psychological conditions of the detainees in Isfahan are such that none of them can express the details of what they have experienced.

Sama Amou Shahi

More than three weeks have passed since the arrest of Miss Sama Amou Shahi again, and it is feared that the security forces have put her in special conditions this time as well”(1).

Adham Naroi, a political prisoner sentenced to death in Balochistan, Zahedan, prison was one of these victims.

Adham Narwii was arrested on 25 May 2021 on the charge of “intentional murder” without any evidence, following a conflict in Sirjah village of Lashar city of Baluchistan that resulted in the death of 4 security forces. After being tortured, Adham was sentenced to death by torturer-investigator Naseri in Branch 6 of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Zahedan City, and onMay 31, 2021, following tortures and forced confessions, he remained in prison for nearly three years.

Under the hanging, he committed suicide in Zahedan prison by taking psychedelic pills.

Sama Amoushahi

Shahin Galehdari,  a Kurdish 50 years old man, was arrested from Haki village in Urmia city on February 28, 2019. After 5 days of torture and interrogation, he was transferred to the central prison of Urmia. He was released on bail for a short time and then called to prison and was sentenced to 5 years in prison by Branch 3 of the Urmia Islamic Revolution Court on the charge of “acting against national security” through cooperation with the PKK.

On the morning of February 25, 2019, they saw his body hanged.

 Following the news of the increase in suicides, on Friday 2nd of, January 22, 2024, more than 800 prisoners, including political prisoners in the central prison of Urmia, in an open letter about the increase in “suicides” as a result of tortures and pressures, demanded the removal of ” Paiman  Khanzadeh the head of Urmia Central Prison.

Alireza Khari

It was announced that Mr. Alireza Khari, a protester of the revolutionary uprising, committed suicide from Bandar gez (Golestan province) on March 18, 2024. He was arrested on the charge of setting fire to Ali Khamenei’s photo in front of the IRGC headquarters in Bandargez city and was tortured.

16-year-old Mr. Arshia Imam Qolizadeh Alamdari,

18-year-old Mr. Abbas Mansoori,

 19-year-old Miss Yalda Aghafazli,

19-year-old Mr. Arash  Faruzandeh,

36-year-old doctoress Aida Rostami,

 36-year-old  man, cinematographer Mohsen Jafarirad,

37-year-old Miss Atefeh Noami,… just a few of the hundreds of suicide victims of the uprising 2022.

Amir Hossein Tarwal Iman, 20 years old, from Aliabad, Tehran, on October 24, 2022, was one of the detainees of the nationwide uprising, who was released with an “amnesty” after being tortured and detained for eight months, after a few days on 26 May 1402 He died in his sleep on May 16, 2023.

 Kavos Seyed Emami, a university professor, was arrested on January 24, 2018, and on February 8, 2018, two weeks after his arrest, he committed suicide in Evin prison.

Sina Ghanbari, a 23-year-old worker, was arrested in January 2018. After a week, after being tortured and taking psychedelic pills, he committed suicide in the morning of January 7, 2018 in the fourth ward of Evin prison.

 Ebrahim Lotfollahi,

A law student at Payam Noor University in Sanandaj,  Kurdistan was arrested in 10th January 2008  by the order of the third investigation branch of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office, and eight days later 15 january 2008 his family was informed of his suicide.

 Mis.Saada Khadirzadeh,

A Kurdish political prisoner was pregnant at the time of her arrest. In the summer of 2022, she committed suicide in Urmia prison, after torture and deadly confessions, which was unsuccessful. She was threatened that if she did not appear in front of the camera for confession, they would file a mental health case for her and put her baby on welfare.

Saada, with an audio file, reported the verbal and sexual harassment of the agents of the Ministry of Information. The interrogators asked her to confess that she helped her husband to escape from Iran.

 Arash Foruzandeh, a rising youth, was detained for several hours. According to some reports, she was given a glass of mineral water to drink in prison. He died a few hours later, on19 March 2023.

 Farhad Begi Grossi,

 A 21-year-old Kurdish citizen and a follower of the Yarsan faith, was arrested in the fall of 1401 during the Women, life, Freedom, and released on bail in the winter of 2023 after more than a year of captivity until the trial. He was accused of “participating in the murder of Nader Bayrami, the intelligence chief of the Sahne Corps.” He was called to introduce himself to Diesel Abad prison in Kermanshah and then transferred to Evin prison in Tehran.

On Saturday, June 8, 2024, the news of his suicide was published. Farhad Beigi’s casemate, Gholamreza Rasaei, a 34-year-old citizen from “Sahneh” city, is under the rope in Ward Haft of Dieselabad Prison, Kermanshah.

In the prisons of the Islamic regime, fatwas have been given to the chief executioners and executioners to cause depression, break people, rape, and lead to suicide.

 The fear of destroying one’s soul (psyche) and turning a person into a broken being in some young people intensifies this orientation. By examining the conditions of the victims following the use of psychotropic drugs and combined torture by the Ashura-Karbalai regime, Blood, and war, the following crises erupted in the lives and bodies of the prisoners. Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD (2) is the most important consequence of torture and drugs and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Shock, astonishment and panic,

  • There was always danger on the way,

  • Self-destructive and suicidal behaviors,

  • Sleep and concentration problems,

  • Negative thoughts towards yourself and others.

  • Despair about the future, nightmares,

  • Night terrors, insomnia,

  • Separation and emotional withdrawal,

  • Isolation,

  • Anger and aggression, Feelings of guilt or extreme shame,

  • Paranoia,

  • Claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), Depression, Denial.

 It is after such destruction that the victim commits suicide by oneself or directly by the governmental agents. In any case, it is considered a government murder and classified as a crime against humanity. The Islamic regime of Iran, in addition to a wide range of psychoactive drugs, also uses drugs to cause abnormalities in the body’s defense mechanism of political prisoners.

Dress syndrome

Dress syndrome occurs as a result of a rapid and severe reaction of the immune system against certain drugs, which is also called DIHS syndrome. or its metabolite (mechanism) stimulates T and T helper white blood cells to initiate autoimmune reactions, attacking the individual’s tissues. These white and defensive blood cells of the body also attack vital tissues such as the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.

Dress syndrome is accompanied by fever, swelling of the face, and itchy hives, mostly in the trunk. Depending on the victim’s condition and the dose taken, it can continue for two to eight weeks or become chronic.

 According to research, 11% of Dress patients are chronically affected (4), and the disease, with long-term consequences, disturbs the continued functioning of the organs. This disease appears after an acute or latent period and sometimes after several months. In younger patients, long-term and chronic consequences, in the form of autoimmune disease (autoimmune thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, alopecia (autoimmunity with skin blisters), myocarditis (inflammation of the middle wall of the heart), bullous pemphigoid (itchy skin blisters) , vitiligo (Skin discoloring), scleroderma (a rare and progressive rheumatic disease in which the skin of patients becomes thick, hard and dry and sometimes ulcers develop at the ends of the organs), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and psoriasis appear.

 According to medical research, several factors, including some drugs, can be involved in Dress disease as well as MS, psoriasis, lupus, etc. The disruptive role of stress has been proven, especially in the autoimmune disease psoriasis. In 1950-1970, Holmesburg Prison in Pennsylvania, USA, was the center of extensive skin research operations, and several of the prisoners were the subjects of dioxin chemical experiments. In 1980-1981, Kligman sacrificed people for his experiments, who then suffered from various diseases, including lupus and mental disorders.

Complications are the chemical composition of dioxin. From 1964 to 1968, the US Army paid Albert Kligman and Herbert W. Coplan $386,486,000 to conduct experiments with mind-altering drugs on 320 prisoners at Holmesburg in the United States. The goal was to determine the minimum effective dose of the drug on the victims. Swelling of lymph nodes, a sharp increase in white blood cells called eosinophils, a decrease in platelets (the most important factor in blood clotting), a sharp increase in white blood cells, abnormal lymphocytes, dangerous and severe inflammation of some internal organs that cause death up to 10%, the consequences of the disease. Lessons and are similar to the “long night and pains” method of Islamic fascism in Iran’s prisons. An example of hundreds The number of political prisoners and detainees of the Women’s Uprising, Life, Freedom, who suffer from autoimmune diseases in prisons or after their release is increasing.

The latest example of those suffering from autoimmune diseases, Bahar Khanyabpur She is among the political prisoners who was arrested during the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement in November 2023, and was imprisoned for a week in Sepidar prison in Ahvaz, Khoziztan (6)

She was first imprisoned for three months and one day, and then, by publishing pictures without a Hijab in cyberspace, then was sentenced to two years in prison by the Behbahan Criminal Court. Bahar (Zeinab)  Khaniabpour is one of the insurgents who suffered from an autoimmune disease after being released from prison. After her release, she noticed the appearance of small spots on her skin, which gradually, with the increase of spots and going to the doctor, the autoimmune disease psoriasis was confirmed.

 Miss.Bahareh Hedayat is another political prisoner who contracted an autoimmune disease while in prison.

 Majid Khademi, a political prisoner, in Behbahan prison, Khozistan “suffered from a skin disease” with symptoms such as “bruises, itching, and bleeding” in the abdomen and legs.

 Sasan Chamanara, one of the detainees of the 2022 protests, has suffered from an autoimmune disease, and a student activist has MS.

Maryam Arvin At the same time, Sina Yousefi, a lawyer, referred to this series of events as the “Biological Terror of the Protesters” and considered the suspicious death of Maryam Arvin, who voluntarily and free of charge, was the reason for this.

 At the same time, news about Mustafa Al-Ahmed, a cinema director, suffering from an autoimmune disease after his release from prison was published.

 Jamal Ameli, Jafar Ebrahimi, Miss.Leila Hosseinzadeh, Masoud Mahmoudi and Mehdi Rajabian are some of the current and past political prisoners who have suffered from autoimmune disease… The method of political theology in Iran is not the same as the policies of the leader of Hitler’s fascism, and it is hundreds of times more criminal. From the very night it seized political power on February 11, 1979, the Islamic government practiced the fascist teachings of Carl Schmidt and has continued to this day more villainously than all the destroyers of history.

 Now, all these inhumane tests have been put in the service of the Islamic government of Iran so that Khomeini’s rule will last. The project of “psychologicalization of the opponents” has become the most inhumane way of the Islamic government, complementing other crimes as a Sharia option. The crime against humanity is the smallest accusation of Nab Mohammadi, who is collapsing.


2-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

3-Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS), or Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome (DIHS). 4-Chen YC, Chang CY,

 Long-term sequelae of drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms: a retrospective cohort study from Taiwan. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;68(3):459–

5- Kaye, Jonathan. “Retin-A’s Wrinkled Past”, Pennsylvania History Review, Spring 1997.


August 25, 2024

Abbas Mansouran

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